In the Face of Reaction - Unity of the Popular and Revolutionary camp!

Communiqué from the Communist Party of Bolivia

The country is passing through a very complex and delicate political situation with grave dangers for the continuity of the democratic and progressive process initiated in January, the culmination of a struggle of all the people in its prolonged resistance to neoliberalism. Amongst the factors that have occasioned this situation, the following stand out:

There has been an intensification of the preparations to destabilise the country being worked out by Yankee imperialism and executed in the country, above all by the eastern oligarchy and the parties of the reactionary right wing. Under the pretext of applying, according to their interpretation, the law of convocation for the Constituent Assembly, they promote stoppages and blockades; organise reunions of prefects [state governors], of civic committees that they control and even carry out rude acts in the inauguration of the President of the Republic. They’ve gone as far as threatening to self-convoke a parallel constituent assembly and also carrying out a referendum with clear separatist’s intentions.

With the motive of the civic stoppage of Thursday 7 [September] and its intentions to oblige the population of the four departments to stop their activities, the shock troops have remerged, the squadrons of gangsters that not only attempted to frighten peaceful people, but attacked them.

The campesino mobilisation in Tarija forced the postponement of the meeting that the civic committees, prefectures and business and large landowner organisations had planned. This meeting was going to determine, as part of its subversive plans, new measures to provoke a state of social disorder and civil commotion to drag the country into a chaotic situation.

To execute such a sinister plan, which could open up a secessionist civil war, the reactionary right is promoting the organisation and the rearming of it old paramilitary formations. In the Bolivian East, foreign and national elements have been detected preparing to carry out criminal acts against supporters of the separatist opposition itself, or to carry out sabotage, in important installations, and blame it on the government.

In regards to the construction, under the orders of the Bolivian Armed Forces, of two naval bases in the south east of the country (of fundamental economic significance), there has been a notable increase in the presence of North American troops on the “Advanced Operative Establishments – EOA” base in Estigarribia, Paraguay, close to our border.

Imperialism is preparing the mechanisms, including diplomatic, so that at a decisive moment they can invoke the “Democratic Charter” of the OAS, facilitating an intervention and occupation of our country.

They are aiming to create an environment of chaos and ungovernability infiltrating social and trade union organisations which they incite to insist on the satisfaction of their demands and aspirations that are difficult to immediately comply with. With this aim they go to provocateurs who, using a false popular, or leftist, language succeed in confusing some popular sectors, leading them to take measures that, in the current conditions, can not be classified as anything other than crazy and absurd.

Lamentably, failures and errors by the government or the ‘officialists’, have created dissatisfaction and pessimism and even stoked up the frustrations of the people. There are vacillations, big contradictions and a lack of homogeneity in the central power, aggravated by the disorder within MAS. The resignation of the Minister for Energy and Hydrocarbons Soliz Rada demonstrates the existence of a presidential entourage that puts a break on the application of the measures for which the people overwhelming voted for in December 2005. Soliz has revealed the blocking character of this entourage. It is not a “blancoide – mestizo” [white – mestizo] entourage as some have tried to metaphorically explain. It has nothing to do with colour or with national-ethnic or cultural differences. This is a clash, a political dispute between pseudo revolutionaries, opportunists and servants to the transnationals and those who truly want to develop a program of national and social liberation.

Other failures include the incapacity of the management that is observed in the ministries and public repartitions. The incapacity noted has two principal origins; the permanence of functionaries of the past neoliberal regimes and afterwards, the presence of careerists or those seeking jobs who have recently joined MAS. Another cause is the inadequate location of the cadres in functions of the leadership; there are many functionaries who are well intentioned, but whose preparation is not at the level of the necessities of the movement. Due to these failures, the objectives and projects in which the Bolivian people have put their hopes, are postponed or could fail due to sabotage.

The Constituent Assembly is another important scenario where the battle of opposing interests is being fought out: of progress and of conservatism. They are attempting to block the Constituent Assembly under the mathematical pretext of the percentage of votes that only defends the old neoliberal institutionality, with the aim of closing the pass to the progressive tendencies and structural change in the country.

It is now clear that the discourse of “legality and democracy” is a cover for those conservative operators along with the civic committees, business owners and prefects, to blockade the viability of the process of structural change. The regionalists digging into their trenches corresponds to the opposition to the real power that the new constitution will have based on the demands of the workers in the countryside and the city, protecting the effective sovereignty over our natural resources and the self determination of Bolivia.

Nevertheless, the process and the government headed by Evo Morales are very new, it is only just over 7 months old, it is possible to rectify its course, improve the management of government, sharpen its objectives and clean out the state apparatus of saboteurs and hidden enemies.

The people have not lost the necessary lucidity to reject the intentions to subvert the country, to provoke confrontations between Bolivians of different regions and to put in danger national unity and democracy.

Based on everything that has been said above, the Communist Party calls on the people of Bolivia, the working class, workers of the countryside and city, the youth and the revolutionary intelligentsia, to join ranks in defence of national unity and democracy. The enemy of the Bolivian people is not in its sine, the enemy is imperialism, the oligarchy and its internal agents.

We consider that the last summit of the social movements, which happened in Cochabamba has determined something transcendental: the articulation of a direction or popular political coordination that brings together the classes and social movements historically committed with revolutionary change. At the same time we believe that the political organisations of the real left need to work and contribute to combining forces for the accomplishment of the historical mission of advancing in the sense of the transformation and revolutionary change.

La Paz, September 25, 2006

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