Declaration from the Jach’a Omasuyos, historic place of the Red Ponchos, of resistance and of change

Faced with the social and historic events occurring in the country, the Omasuyos Province, (Jach’a Omasuyos) land of the Red Ponchos, defenders and catalysts of change, represented by the Federation of Campesinos, FEJUVE (Federation of Neighbourhood Committees of El Alto), Civic Committee, unions, truck drivers, Federation of Rural and Urban Teachers, university students, secondary students and other organisations, manifest out emphatic protest against the brutality exercised by the oligarchic caste from the half moon [Bolivia’s four eastern states – Tarija, Beni, Pando and Santa Cruz] against the constituent assembly delegates which represents both their hatred towards the indigenous originario peoples, today oppressed in all the impoverished sectors of the republic, as well as their clear intention of going against the changes that our country is living through, which is why we declare:

1. STATE OF EMERGENCY and the continuation of the struggle for the Constituent Assembly to be able to conclude its sessions, and for the defence of the unity of our peoples, in the face of the divisionist intentions of the oligarchy from the half moon, who through the demand to make Sucre the full capital aims to once again benefit from political and economic power

2. Permanent Mobilisation and Organisation for resistance and self-defence, declaring a MOBILISED CIVIC STOPPAGE and grand concentration for the OPEN TOWN MEETING in the General Staff of Q’ala Chaka on Thursday 22 of the present month, extending the invitation of all regional and national organisations.

3. We warn the government, the union and indigenous organisation and social classes of an immediate declaration of a STATE OF SIEGE in the city of Sucre, under the control of the social organisations.

4. Organise the occupation of lands of the oligarchic large landowners and of the misnamed half moon to benefit the originario indigenous peoples.

5. Total repudiation of the prefects (who are illegal due to the fact that they were created via a decree), mayors and the civic committees of the half moon because of their clear intromission against the process of the Constituent Assembly, warning them to abide by the decision of the grand social and indigenous majorities.

6. We warn the senate chamber to not block laws that benefit the people, otherwise the social organisations we see ourselves obliged to take drastic decisions such as the definitively closure of the senate.

7. Sign an inter-institutional pact between the Armed Forces and Police and social and indigenous sectors.

8. Organisation and preparation for the march onto the cities of Sucre and Santa Cruz in order to safeguard organisations and public entities

9. Ask the truck drivers to maintain unity and not generate conflicts over sectoral demands

10. In the event that the aggression against the assembly delegates occurs again there will be an immediate mobilisation of the people onto Sucre.

Passed in the City of Achacachi, Omasuyos Province, on the fifteenth day of the month of November of two thousand and seven.

Signed: all the representatives of the Red Ponchos

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