Letter from CONAIE to Evo Morales regarding TIPNIS

Quito, September 26, 2011

OF. Nº 0113 CONAIE-2011

Evo Morales
President of the Plurinacional State of Bolivia>


Dear Brother,

Receive our cordial greetings on behalf of the Confederation of Peoples of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador CONAIE. We would also like to use this opportunity to send via your person a deep hug of solidarity to the brothers and sisters in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

During these days we have paid witness to all the events that your government has had to confront in regards to the march by the brothers from the indigenous peoples of the Bolivian east in defence of TIPNIS. In the face of this, we would like to make known out deep concern regarding the events that have transpired, especially the events that occurred yesterday afternoon.

Being faithful to the principles of the struggle of the people, we reject the violent repression that the indigenous brothers from the march have suffered at the hands of the Bolivian police.

For a long time, our people have shared and sought to develop our common struggle against neoliberalism, for sovereignty, for the defence of natural resources and against neo-colonial states and governments. These experiences have shaped and strengthen us in order to defeat the neoliberal model. No doubt on the way we have had multiple difficulties or even committed errors. But before anything else we firmly defend the process constructed between the people, the struggle for the DEFENCE OF MOTHER EARTH, together with the majority of the exploited men and women.

We hope that these differences will be resolved through dialogue, with the aim that they not be utilised by our enemies, the national right wing and imperialism, in order for them to once again persecute our peoples, above all our children.

Dear Compañero Evo, knowing your capacity, experience and knowledge we are sure that you will seek all the possible mechanisms in order to resolve this conflict between brothers and continue on the path of Buen Vivir (Living Well)

A fraternal and optimist hug from the peoples and nationalities of Ecuador

Humberto Cholango

Translated from CIDOB website

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