Bolivian social movements resolve: “Permanent mobilisation to deepen and consolidate the unity of Bolivia and the Democratic and Cultural Revolution”

Resolution of the National Coalition for Change (CONALCAM) meeting held in Cochabamba, August 22-23. CONALCAM brings together the United Union Confederation of Peasant Workers of Bolivia (CSUTCB), the Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia (CIDOB), the National Federation of Cooperative Miners (FENCOMIN), the Federation of Neighbourhood Councils of El Alto (FEJUVE), the National Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu (CONAMAQ), the National Federation of Bolivian Peasant Women Bartolina Sisa (FNMCB-BS) and the National Confederation of Small and Micro Businesses (CONAMYPE)

1. Permanent mobilisation at the national, departmental, municipal and communal level to deepen and consolidate the unity of Bolivia and the Democratic and Cultural Revolution led by President Evo Morales Ayma.

2. Guarantee the refoundation of Bolivia through the approbation of a new Political Constitution of the State, for which it is necessary to convoke a referéndum through a supreme decree, at the same time as holding elections for subprefects, departmental councillors and revoked prefects.

3. Redistribution of economic resources from the IDH (Direct Tax on Hydrocarbons) and royalities taking into consideration the population size and level of human development, through a supreme decree.

4. Dialogue and consultation in order to look after the unity of Bolivia and the consolidation of the Democratic and Cultural Revolution.

5. Instruct all national, departmental, municipal and communal organisations to organise themselves and create departmental coalitions for change in order to guarantee the unity of Bolivia and the approval of the new CPE (Political Constitution of the State)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For liberty the people of Bolivia. Also freedom of people in the South America, too. Good text.

Bolivia Rising